

Pain, death, love, life. How a day goes by in a front-line stabilization unit

Pain, death, love, life.  How a day goes by in a front-line stabilization unit
Our stabilization unit (or simply “stab”) is located approximately 12 km (7.5 miles) from the front line, in one of the hottest directions. It is at the "stab" that the wounded are evacuated from their positions, wounds are treated, their breathing is restored, their condition is stabilized, and they are sent further to the hospital.As a volunteer at the Mykola Pirogov First Voluntary Mobile Hospital (VMH-1), I worked for a month at the registration desk at the stabilization unit.Translated by Dmitry Lytov & Mike LytovRead this article in Ukrainian

Three shots from the Grad. A 19-year-old soldier lost his leg due to the inability to evacuate him in time

Three shots from the Grad. A 19-year-old soldier lost his leg due to the inability to evacuate him in time
“The fever dropped a little, but it does not fall below 39 C (102.2 F). Today (March 20 - ed.) was the third surgery, the next one is tomorrow,” 19-year-old Dmytro Tereshchenko, a soldier of the 119th Territorial Defense brigade, separate 167th battalion with the call sign "Champion", native of Chernihiv, says by phone. “They are removing the fragments. They are in the lungs, kidneys, and stomach. The armor did not protect me at all, everything went through it,” he adds. “Doctors say, now I have two birthdays. Because people don't survive with such injuries.”Translated by Dmitry Lytov & Mike LytovЧитати українською

Patrushev intimidates Russians, Nebenzya intimidates the world

TEXTY analyzed the public rhetoric of two key Russian officials to show how domestic Russian propaganda aimed at Russians differs from that spread outside the country.The persons in question are the Secretary of the Security Council of the Russian Federation, Nikolay Patrushev, and the Permanent Representative of Russia to the UN, Vasily Nebenzya. Their statements are actively quoted and discussed on Russian political talk shows and widely disseminated by Russian propaganda.Translated by Dmitry LytovЧитати українською

Coca-Cola Refreshments for the Nazi. Russian Media Monitoring Report, 22-28 May 2023

Last week, Russian media continued spreading stories about an alleged rift between the military and political leadership of Ukraine. The propagandists once again claimed that the CinC AF General Valerii Zaluzhnyi had been incapacitated and was no longer able to discharge his duties. Russia’s foreign ministry also said that the United States had financed Hitler and accused it of aiding the Holocaust.Finally, even a slightest hint at the possibility of Japan's NATO membership was enough to make the disinformation media lose their nerve.This monitoring report covers these and other topics of the disinformation spread by Russian state media and online parajournalists to manipulate public opinion.

Kyiv metro at night. The more active gets air defence, the more people gather under the ground

First pet owners with their beloved animals and families with babies arrive. When explosions become so loud that the windows shake, the subway gets filled with families with older children. They spend the night underground and go to school in the morning – the Ministry of Education does not reprimand this.Translated by Tetiana Sykes Читати українською

Pryhozhyn and Russian Defense Ministry Locked in Bitter Flag-Raising Battle over Bakhmut. Russian Media Monitoring Report, 15-21 May 2023.

Last week, Russian media published excited reports on Russia's success in the war. The propagandists continued to argue that, unlike Western missiles, Kinzhal hypersonic missiles were absolutely impervious to being intercepted. Russian media scared their audiences with stories about a radioactive cloud drifting towards Western Europe from Ukraine. The fake was traced to the Russian Security Council Secretary Nikolai Patrushev who has a history of coming up with all sorts of conspiracy theories and nonsense. This monitoring report covers these and other topics of the disinformation spread by Russian state media and online parajournalists to manipulate public opinion.

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