#russian propaganda


Eight signs of the danger of Telegram, one of Russia's most successful projects

Today, Telegram is one of the most popular apps on both sides of the Ukrainian-Russian front, as evidenced by Similarweb's data for Ukraine and Russia. As of the end of 2023, it served 25 million Russians and 7 million Ukrainians. Most of Ukrainian ministries, state administrations, news agencies, and thoughtleaders are active users of Telegram. The same is true for Russia.Читати українською

In the United States "Democrats bought the speaker". Russian Media Monitoring Report, April 15-21, 2024

Last week, Russian media wrote a lot about Ukraine's inability to defeat Russia. And that even if the U.S. Congress passed a bill to help Ukraine, it would not change the situation. For the propaganda, the allocation of billions of dollars in aid to Kyiv is proof of Ukraine's defeat and shows that America is trying to quickly save Ukraine, which is heading into the abyss. The vote itself is a consequence of corruption in Congress, as House Speaker Mike Johnson has profited from a shale gas field in exchange for putting the bill to a vote. The propaganda also wrote about Tucker Carlson's interview with Pavel Durov, the founder of the Telegram and VKontakte social network. And it spread only those statements that harm the reputation of the United States.Читати українськоюRead about this and more in the new issue of our monitoring of Russian state media and manipulative websites that target Russian disinformation.

Ukrainian Burisma finances terrorists. Russian Media Monitoring Report, April 8-14, 2024

Last week, the Russian media was concerned about the flooding in Russia. This is the leading news, so attention was focused on praising the work of government agencies in rescuing people from this disaster. Propaganda also whitewashed the reputation of the Federal Security Service of Russia (FSB). The fact that the Americans knew about the attack and even informed them about it significantly damaged the prestige of the FSB. That's why disinformers wrote a lot about its work. They report on the detention of terrorists and spies in packs. In reality, it often involves the detention and imprisonment of Russians who carelessly write something on social media. The Russian media also wrote about an ally in the Middle East, Iran, which righteously responds to Israel for insults but, in fact, acts as a peacemaker because it could have caused irreparable harm to Jews but does not want to do so in good faith.Читати українськоюRead about this and more in the new issue of our monitoring of Russian state media and manipulative websites that target Russian disinformation.

Surrounded by "unfriendly" countries. Russian Media Monitoring Report, April 1-7, 2024

Last week, the Russian media wrote a lot about countries on the unfriendly list. Traditionally, France was in the propaganda lens. Disinformers cannot forgive Macron`s statement about the hypothetical deployment of foreign troops to Ukraine. They wrote about hostile Finland. Finns are accused of disliking "people from the East" and Russians. The propaganda claims that Finland's industry is collapsing because of the conflict with Russia, and reminds us that the country was once part of the Russian Empire. They also mentioned Kyrgyzstan. Propaganda attacked the country after it restricted the use of the Russian payment system Mir. They claim that there is nothing to do in Kyrgyzstan except eat pilaf. In fact, the country's budget will now be left without money, as labor migrants in Russia will not be able to replenish it.Читати українськоюRead about this and more in the new issue of our monitoring of Russian state media and manipulative websites that target Russian disinformation.

Death penalty on the heads of Russia's enemies. Russian Media Monitoring Report, March 25-31, 2024

Last week, the Russian media discussed whether the death penalty should be brought back to Russia. The propaganda lamented that criminals should be severely punished rather than allowed to live in warm Russian prisons.Читати українськоюAlso, after the terrorist attack in Crocus, there was talk of the need to tighten migration policy. And while Ukraine is accused of the terrorist attack in statements, Tajiks face physical violence. Russian law enforcement agencies have joined the anti-immigration hysteria. They even discussed the need to introduce a visa regime with Central Asian countries. We have also seen another surge in the information campaign against the Armenian leadership. Nikol Pashinyan joins the club of "Russophobes" and "traitors" to the Russian people.Read about this and more in the new issue of our monitoring of Russian state media and manipulative websites that target Russian disinformation.

Jihadists in Vyshyvanka Shirts. Russian Media Monitoring Report, 18-24 March 2024

The terrorist attack on the Crocus City Hall was the biggest news on Russian media last week. As soon as the first reports hit the Internet, it was clear that Russian propagandists were determined to blame Ukraine. It was as if the disinformers were running a creativity contest with just one task: connect Kyiv to the terrorist attack in any way possible.Читати українськоюMargarita Simonyan, the top propagandist and the RT editor-in-chief, hurried to tweet it was the unbrotherly Ukrainians: “All evidence points to the fact that the attack was planned by our not-quite-brothers”. Former president now blogger Dmitry Medvedev called to kill the Ukrainian leadership: “All those people must be found and eliminated as terrorists without mercy including the top officials of the state that launched such an atrocious attack”.The accusations remained even after ISIS terrorists had claimed responsibility for the attack. The disinformers argued that it was Ukraine’s tactic to shift responsibility onto Islamists.According to Russian media, the United States might also had a hand in the incident: they warned about the terrorist attack which appears suspicious. Moreover, Russian Foreign Ministry Spokeswoman Maria Zakharova believes that Washington is using ISIS to undermine America’s competitors.This monitoring report covers these and other topics of the disinformation spread by Russian state media and online parajournalists to manipulate public opinion.

Navalny’s Death: the Hand of the West. Russian Media Monitoring Report, 12-18 February 2024

Last week, Russian media celebrated the capture of Avdiivka which is said to mark a new phase of the war that paved the way for Russia’s victory. In addition to protecting the people of Donbas from the Ukrainian Nazis, the Russian army is said to be preparing a large-scale offensive to capture the entire region. The disinformers avoid mentioning the cost of flying the Russian flag over the rubble of the destroyed city — instead, they claim that Avdiivka is Zelensky’s Waterloo. The news of Navalny’s death also received considerable attention, but no surprises here: it was said to have been orchestrated by the West to disrupt the presidential election in Russia.This monitoring report covers these and other topics of the disinformation spread by Russian state media and online para journalists to manipulate public opinion.

Ode to Joy: Relishing Putin’s Interview to Tucker Carlson Russian Media Monitoring Report, 5-11 February 2024

Last week, Russian media finally decided who their favorite American was. American journalist Tucker Carlson ticked all the boxes: he respects Putin, understands Russian national interests, and is ready to broadcast the Kremlin’s position. Carlson instantly became Russian propaganda's darling and the focus of media attention. Carlson’s visit coverage culminated in Putin's interview which was touted to have broken through the information blockade set up by the West.

Zaluzhny, Eggs and Organ Harvesting. Russian Media Monitoring Report, 29 January-4 February 2024

Last week, Russian media accused Ukraine’s allies of supplying weapons to Kyiv. The propagandists argued that the West wants to eradicate Russians which is why it allows Ukrainians to shoot down planes or target bakeries. Some Russian officials even claimed that Western weapons supplied to Ukraine were manned by American operators while the Ukrainians were only used in support roles.Читати українською

Statement on Czech politicians included in “The Germs of “Russian World”. Version 2.0” project by Texty.org.ua

We are conducting additional research and have removed some individuals and one party from our database. In June 2023, Texty.org.ua published the project “The Germs of “Russian World”. Version 2.0”, where we collected politicians, public figures, and various organizations that promoted Russian narratives about Ukraine.

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