#russian propaganda


Witches' Sabbath in Petersburg. Russian Media Monitoring Report, June 3–9, 2024

Last week, Russian media covered the work of the St. Petersburg International Economic Forum (SPIEF). The forum was supposed to be the main business event of the year in Russia and prove that Russia is not lagging in international affairs and is still attractive to guests, investments, and developments. Despite propaganda efforts, SPIEF turned out not to be so international. The organizers even created fake national delegations. Moreover, the term "economic" was not always justified. Speakers talked more about nuclear weapons, traditional values, the role of the family, and Russia's unique path. They also criticized the West for gay propaganda and the desire to impose its will on others.Читати українськоюRead about this and more in the latest issue of our monitoring of Russian state media and manipulative sites that deliberately spread Russian disinformation.

How propaganda responds to western countries allowing strikes on Russia with their weapons. Russian Media Monitoring Report, May 27 – June 2, 2024

Last week, Russian media extensively covered the permissions granted by Ukraine's partners to strike Russia with Western weapons. We observed a wide range of emotions. From assurances that it won't change the situation on the frontlines since not many countries supply Kyiv with dangerous weapons to reflections on a Third World War provoked by the United States. However, the most prominent emotion was anger. Some experts call on the Russian leadership to act harshly and prevent the West from crossing "red lines" in the future. Some figures have once again called for bombing European countries with nuclear weapons. Propagandists also claim that if the war is not won soon, Kyiv may acquire nuclear weapons, which they will undoubtedly use against Russia.Читати українськоюRead about this and more in the latest issue of our monitoring of Russian state media and manipulative sites that specifically spread Russian disinformation.

Wonders of Russian propaganda. How a Moscow blogger sent his family to the Armed Forces of Ukraine

Russian propaganda excels in the short film genre. Advertisement videos targeting the Ukrainian audience are disseminated through their social media platforms, primarily on Telegram and TikTok.Читати українськоюTexty.org.ua used facial recognition software to find out who starred in one of these videos. Among the actors, they identified a popular fitness blogger, a girl resembling a webcam model, an unknown actor, and a woman whose photos are available in photo banks.

Narratives and Rebuttals: Which Arguments for Ending Support for Ukraine Echo Russian Propaganda

Among the most common arguments cited by opponents of continued support for Ukraine in the USA, there are several that completely coincide with narratives of Russian propaganda.In researching this topic in the American informational and political space, we have identified such arguments and explained what is wrong with them.

Information campaigns of the week. Russian Media Monitoring Report, May 20-26, 2024

Last week, Russian media intensified information campaigns aimed at the Ukrainian audience. Thus, the political leadership is accused of indifference to its military, who are in Russian captivity. The military leadership is accused of failing to train the mobilised and sending them straight from military registration and enlistment offices to the front. Ukrainians are being urged to flee abroad, surrender, and disobey orders from their superiors. Disinformers promise that there will be no consequences for this. And even if there is, it is better to wait out the war in prison. Zelenskyy is accused of usurping power. The French president also received his share of hatred. Emmanuel Macron is being called a war criminal because of Paris' actions in New Caledonia.Читати українськоюRead about this and more in the new issue of our monitoring of Russian state media and manipulative websites that target Russian disinformation.

Hunting for Russia's friends. Russian Media Monitoring Report, May 13-19, 2024

Last week, Russian propagandists devoted all their talents to covering Putin's visit to China. The Russian leader held a kind of international inauguration in Beijing, as China recognises Putin as the rightful leader of the state. Now, Russians are being told that the countries of the Global South will soon accept Putin. They are also trying to convince them that Russia is on par with China. The Kremlin's entire information service discusses a new monolithic alliance that will take over from the collective West. The Russian media also reported on the troubles with Russia's friends. The Prime Minister of Slovakia was assassinated, and the President of Iran died in a plane crash. Russian propaganda has its interpretation of these events: the culprits are the intelligence services of Western countries, which eliminate anyone who wants to establish friendly relations with Russia. Читати українськоюRead about this and more in the new issue of our monitoring of Russian state media and manipulative websites that target Russian disinformation.

Sacred week in Russia: Putin's inauguration and Victory Day. Russian Media Monitoring Report, May 6-12, 2024

Last week, the Russian media focused on two events that could be said to be mystical and existential in Russian life: Vladimir Putin's inauguration on 7 May and the celebration of Victory Day. The events were presented as significant and fateful.The speeches of the five-time president were dismantled into quotes and actively promoted by the propaganda. At the parade during the celebration, Putin spoke about the USSR's independent struggle against Hitler, for whom the entire European power was working. He mentioned that the Union had been retreating for some time, and then there was a victory. These theses prompted the Russian media to draw analogies and conclude that "we defeated Nazi Germany, we will defeat the Nazis in Kyiv".Propaganda also wrote about the Eurovision Song Contest. There are no changes here. It is a satanic, Russophobic coven. The Russian media also tried to prove that ordinary Europeans understand Russia and are against confrontation, but national governments are spoiling everything.Читати українськоюRead about this and more in the new issue of our monitoring of Russian state media and manipulative websites that target Russian disinformation.

An empire falls... and rises again. How "good" Russians from London see the future of Russia

Russia's new political exiles have adapted well to life outside of Russia. This conclusion can be drawn after attending the presentation of a new book by Russia's best-selling writer Boris Akunin (pseudonym of Grigory Chkhartishvili) on 9 May in London.Читати українською

Russian propaganda glorifies the Odesa tragedy. Russian Media Monitoring Report, April 29 - May 5, 2024

Last week, Russian media commemorated the anniversary of the 2 May tragedy in Odesa. This has been standard rhetoric since 2014, when Russia tried to capture Odesa with hybrid methods, just as it did Donetsk before that. The propagandists compare this tragedy to the terrorist attack in the Crocus City Hall. In both cases, Ukraine and the United States are to blame. Disinformers are also afraid that the Global Peace Summit will be held in Switzerland at the initiative of Ukraine. The Kremlin is implementing a strategy to discredit the summit. The main arguments are: no agreement can be reached without Russia, the West is trying to impose its will on the Russian people, Moscow wants peace, while Kyiv and its allies want the opposite, China will not betray Russia, so the summit is futile. Читати українськоюRead about this and more in the new issue of our monitoring of Russian state media and manipulative websites that target Russian disinformation.

"Zaluzhnyi in a cage". Russian Media Monitoring Report, April 22-28, 2024

Last week, the Russian media wrote a lot about the Russian army's victories on the battlefield. Propagandists see these local successes as a breakthrough for the Ukrainian front and promise that the goals of the "SMO" (Special military operation - Ed.) will be achieved soon. They also widely covered the visit of Moldovan oppositionists to Moscow: pro-Russian politicians talked about the negative impact of European integration on Moldova, the threat to traditional values, and promised friendship with Russia after coming to power. Moscow's media also got the United States on its heels, with plans to ban TikTok unless Chinese owners sell a company operating in the US market. In Russia, this was predictably called an infringement on freedom of speech.Читати українськоюRead about this and other issues in the new issue of our monitoring of Russian state media and manipulative websites that target Russian disinformation.

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