

Looking for an audience. How TikTok’s new policy has “cut” the audience of Russian propagandists abroad

On May 23, TikTok announced an update to its policy against targeted influence campaigns: from now on, all channels labeled as “state-controlled media” will not appear in recommended videos outside their country of origin. Thus, Spanish-speaking RT will not appear in the recommendation feed for the Spanish-speaking audience, and Sputnik Brasil will not appear for the Brazilian audience. But does this restriction work effectively? We decided to check the data.Читати українською

I don’t want to be just a face from a screen: Stories of three fathers separated from their children by war

"My family plans to return. Because there is no right to leave a country for a father who wants to see his children, wants them to remain Ukrainians and wants his family not to fall apart. I've seen many good families fall apart since 2022 simply because they were separated. I don't want that to happen to my family," says Oleksii Erinchak, the founder of the "Sens" bookstore in Kyiv.

Witches' Sabbath in Petersburg. Russian Media Monitoring Report, June 3–9, 2024

Last week, Russian media covered the work of the St. Petersburg International Economic Forum (SPIEF). The forum was supposed to be the main business event of the year in Russia and prove that Russia is not lagging in international affairs and is still attractive to guests, investments, and developments. Despite propaganda efforts, SPIEF turned out not to be so international. The organizers even created fake national delegations. Moreover, the term "economic" was not always justified. Speakers talked more about nuclear weapons, traditional values, the role of the family, and Russia's unique path. They also criticized the West for gay propaganda and the desire to impose its will on others.Читати українськоюRead about this and more in the latest issue of our monitoring of Russian state media and manipulative sites that deliberately spread Russian disinformation.

Statement on Pressure Against Freedom of Speech, Chauvinism, and Threats Towards the Texty.org.ua Team

We, the team at the Ukrainian data journalism agency Texty.org.ua and an independent public organization, are reporting unprecedented pressure, manipulation, slander, demands to strip us of donor funding, and threats of physical violence that we have faced following the publication of our research “Roller Coaster: From Trumpists to Communists, Who and How They Advocate for Ending Support to Ukraine.”Читати українською.

How propaganda responds to western countries allowing strikes on Russia with their weapons. Russian Media Monitoring Report, May 27 – June 2, 2024

Last week, Russian media extensively covered the permissions granted by Ukraine's partners to strike Russia with Western weapons. We observed a wide range of emotions. From assurances that it won't change the situation on the frontlines since not many countries supply Kyiv with dangerous weapons to reflections on a Third World War provoked by the United States. However, the most prominent emotion was anger. Some experts call on the Russian leadership to act harshly and prevent the West from crossing "red lines" in the future. Some figures have once again called for bombing European countries with nuclear weapons. Propagandists also claim that if the war is not won soon, Kyiv may acquire nuclear weapons, which they will undoubtedly use against Russia.Читати українськоюRead about this and more in the latest issue of our monitoring of Russian state media and manipulative sites that specifically spread Russian disinformation.

Wonders of Russian propaganda. How a Moscow blogger sent his family to the Armed Forces of Ukraine

Russian propaganda excels in the short film genre. Advertisement videos targeting the Ukrainian audience are disseminated through their social media platforms, primarily on Telegram and TikTok.Читати українськоюTexty.org.ua used facial recognition software to find out who starred in one of these videos. Among the actors, they identified a popular fitness blogger, a girl resembling a webcam model, an unknown actor, and a woman whose photos are available in photo banks.

Who in the USA Opposes Supporting Ukraine and Why: A Brief Summary of the Research

During the first year of Russia's full-scale invasion, support from the American people for weapons and funding for Ukraine was crucial to its ability to hold off and push back against Russian aggression. Millions of Americans across the political spectrum continue to support Ukraine fervently. Yet, towards the end of 2023, the U.S. government paused its financial and military assistance for six months.

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