

War on Pedestals: How monuments serve propaganda in modern Russia

War on Pedestals: How monuments serve propaganda in modern Russia
What monuments are installed in modern Russia? Texty.org.ua has identified 1163 monuments constructed and opened in Russia during the full-scale invasion of Ukraine. Almost half of them are dedicated to wars: World War II or the invasion of Ukraine.Monuments symbolizing the eternal struggle against the "collective West" are also being actively built in Russia.Читати українською

Battle for the history

“Just a century ago people in France and Europe could easily differentiate Rus’ from Muscovy”, Theodore Casimir Delamarre, owner and editor in chief of La Patrie, said back in 1869 in his petition to the French senate.“History shouldn’t forget, people we know now as Ruthenians were known previously as Rusians (spot single “s”) or Ruses and people we call now as Russians were Muscovites and their land was called Muscovy”, added Delamarre.

"I would learn Russian if only..." How the Russian authorities turned the Ukrainian language into “second class”

In Ukrainian schools, teachers of the Russian language and literature were considered a privileged caste. Even higher than history teachers. History was considered mainly an ideological discipline at school. "Historians" also taught the course "Fundamentals of the state and law". They were, traditionally, leaders of Communist party cells at schools.Translated by Dmitry Lytov & Mike LytovЧитати українською

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