Матеріали автора Yevhenia Drozdova


Politicians, media figures, experts. Who in the USA is against supporting Ukraine (Infographic)

More than a hundred American congressmen consistently vote against bills to allocate funds and weapons to Ukraine to defend itself during the Russia-Ukraine war. Dozens of journalists, influencers, and experts also call the government to stop supporting Ukraine. What beliefs do they hold? Do they collaborate with Russia? Do they spread conspiracy theories?

Narratives and Rebuttals: Which Arguments for Ending Support for Ukraine Echo Russian Propaganda

Among the most common arguments cited by opponents of continued support for Ukraine in the USA, there are several that completely coincide with narratives of Russian propaganda.In researching this topic in the American informational and political space, we have identified such arguments and explained what is wrong with them.
Журналістика даних

The Piggyback Trick. How YouTube Algorithms Promote Conspirology and Propaganda

outube has long earned the reputation of a convenient and reliable service. Two out of three Ukrainians come here for entertainment and educational content, but they also use it to watch the news and follow the twists and turns of Ukraine's political life. The recommendation algorithm is the “heart” of YouTube. In a nutshell, the better recommendations the platform offers, the more time its users spend watching videos and the more money they bring to the advertisers by watching their adverts.
Журналістика даних

Harvest from the occupied territories. How much Russia earns from the Ukrainian land

During the two years of the full-scale invasion, Russia has managed to harvest more than 10 million tons of wheat from the occupied territories. This is roughly equal to the annual output of an entire country, such as Romania.The material was prepared in partnership with TEXTY and agro-technology company OneSoil.

Kyiv metro at night. The more active gets air defence, the more people gather under the ground

First pet owners with their beloved animals and families with babies arrive. When explosions become so loud that the windows shake, the subway gets filled with families with older children. They spend the night underground and go to school in the morning – the Ministry of Education does not reprimand this.Translated by Tetiana Sykes Читати українською

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