#rocket attack


Consequences of the strike on "Ohmatdyt": Two Dead, 16 injured, over twenty departments and a unique laboratory destroyed

Consequences of the strike on "Ohmatdyt": Two Dead, 16 injured, over twenty departments and a unique laboratory destroyed
July 8 marked another dark day in the history of modern Ukraine. An X-101 missile fired by a Russian aircraft struck "Ohmatdyt," the largest and oldest children's hospital in Ukraine and one of the largest in Europe.The explosion killed two people and injured 16, including 10 children whose lives were being saved.Читати українською

14 surgeries on her arm: How the life of a 12-year-old girl changed after a Russian missile strike

Kseniіa Verbytska from Chernihiv, who was injured in a missile strike last summer, has undergone 14 surgeries, the longest of which lasted seven and a half hours. In May of this year, she traveled with her mother, Lada Verbytska, to the UK, to a town near Birmingham, to consult with plastic surgeons.Читати українською

Kharkiv is running on generators. What life is like under constant rocket and bomb attacks

I'm standing in the kitchen, washing the electric stove, the spring sun is shining through the open windows, and a breeze is blowing. Suddenly, there was a loud explosion. The house shook.Читати українською"Yeah, a CAB (guided aerial bomb, read more about it here - Ed.),there's probably going to be another one now, they always come in pairs", - I think. And indeed, almost immediately I hear another explosion.I open a local chat room, and comments are already pouring in, and then there are emoticons: hearts and hands folded in prayer.Finally, the siren turns on. I go on washing the stove.

Kyiv metro at night. The more active gets air defence, the more people gather under the ground

First pet owners with their beloved animals and families with babies arrive. When explosions become so loud that the windows shake, the subway gets filled with families with older children. They spend the night underground and go to school in the morning – the Ministry of Education does not reprimand this.Translated by Tetiana Sykes Читати українською

A "house with a hole" in Zaporizhzhia. Residents recall how they survived the rocket attack

Zaporizhzhia, a city near the frontline, comes alive every morning. The revving of cars, a line at the coffee shop - people head out to work. During the day they try to live a normal life, but at night they freeze up with fear. This is because Russian rockets usually arrive at night.One of the scariest nights in the city was from October 8 to 9, when the Russian army fired 12 rockets at Zaporizhzhia. An inconspicuous 9-story panel building at 8 Zestafonska Street became a "house with a hole" - another piece of evidence of the war crimes of the Russian army in Ukraine. TEXTY talked to residents who survived that night.Translated by Dmitry Lytov and Mike Lytov

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